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Why does the school need an all-weather play space ?

The school population at Melview NS has happily grown in recent years and needs a bigger space to play at breaks, for P.E., and for sport, play and outdoor learning. The green areas at the school are limited and when it rains, and it rains for most of the school year, the children cannot play on the green area without getting wet and muddy and ruining shoes and uniforms. An all-weather pitch will mean that there is a much wider, safer, level and accessible space to play for the full school year. It will also mean that children at Melview NS have the same opportunities as other children across the county.

Where is the all-weather play space going to be at the school?

We have consulted engineers and suppliers and the best place for the all-weather play space is to have it installed from the perimeter fence at the back left of the school and run it over to the fence that surrounds the septic tank in the centre of the green area. It is hoped to install a large 40m space with a perimeter fence. It is hoped that the area immediately to the front of the fence will accommodate a sensory place space.

Will the pitch only be for children who are interested in football ?

No, the plan is to develop a large all-weather astro-turf play area that can be used for break-time play, Physical Education classes, outdoor teaching, general play and sport and also include a new sensory space so that all children can benefit from the larger play area available.

When will the All-weather play space be ready ?

We need to fundraise enough money to ensure that the school can cover the full cost of €100,000. As soon as the €100,000 is raised we will advertise for suppliers and we are advised that the full installation takes roughly 8 weeks to complete.

Why can’t the school ask the Department of Education or get a grant to pay for the new play area?

There is no fund in the Department that provides grants for additional discretionary play facilities. The funding is prioritised for school buildings and extensions. Other grant schemes have a set of requirements that cannot be met by Melview NS, such as making the space available to members of the public outside school hours which would require more funding for costs such as security, insurance and caretaking after school hours. We are applying for funding from sources outside the parents and across the community and really need your help to spread the word.

How can I donate?

You can donate by placing the money in an envelope with your name or the name you would like featured on the tribute board at the school and drop it into the school and we will pass it to the Fundraising Committee.

You can donate by direct payment by following the link on our webpage at

You can donate by bank lodgement or bank transfer using the dedicated bank account details as follows:

Name of Account: Melview NS Astro Pitch Account
IBAN: IE68AIBK93214038678145

You can donate by cheque made out to : “Melview NS Astro Pitch Account” and dropping it into or posting it to the school : Melview NS, Melview, Longford, Co.Longford in an envelope marked “Pitch-In for Melview”.

Where can I find out more information ?

Please follow our social media page on Facebook “Melview Pitch Fundraiser” for updates. You can also contact the Fundraising Committee at :

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